Monday, July 6, 2009

Main Blog Indexed!

It was actually indexed two days ago. But I see that now my other post and the Technorati info are both showing up as well. Hope that means something good! :)
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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Response to the IM Remarkable Challenge

I realize I'm getting a late start but I couldn't resist. Besides there are so many great people involved who are sharing such terrific information it would be foolish not to! :)

I'm actually doing a variation on one of Howie's niches because I had just been developing a campaign for a related affiliate product, Magic of Making Up. This is more about how to stop a divorce or prevent a breakup in progress. But I figured there is some overlap in the markets. If you are looking for a great affiliate program to promote, I couldn't recommend T.W. "T-Dub" Jackson's program more highly. He really cares about his affiliates, providing them with keyword lists, articles, videos and lots of support.

I had kinda sorta set up a blog for the product, so you can take a look at it here. It's not much but I'm working hard on adding to it today. I have also submitted an article to EzineArticles and am working on a Squidoo lens. I will have links to those as soon as they are ready.

Well, I'm off to complete the other steps and will be back posting my progress. This is really great! I can't wait to get to know you all better! :)

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